Monday, March 25, 2013

Easter Chicks

With Easter just around the corner, I wanted to take a spring-themed treat for my co-workers. Although I was hoping to make these cute lamb cookies, I had to settle for these chick cupcakes since I could not find a lamb cookie cutter. (However, the chick cupcakes were something I'd seen on Pinterest long ago - so I had wanted to make them.

Fortunately, the original online posting actually gave very detailed directions on how to make these (even including the tip numbers used to make the feet, beaks, and wings.) I started with a simple layer of yellow buttercream frosting, which I then dipped in yellow sugar. After adding two chocolate chips for the eyes, I used tip #102 to make the wings. Sadly, the buttercream frosting didn't stick well to the sugar-coated topping. If I was making these cupcakes over again, I would definitely add the wings before coating the cupcake in sugar! After adding the wings, I made some orange frosting and added the beak and feet with tip #2 (though they too had trouble sticking to the sugar.)

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